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"Scenester" is often reffered to as a person who tries to follow the emotionally hardcore scene without actually being emotionally hardcore.
the scenester "theme" is about looking the part of a certain group, but not focusing on the main part of it.They are often looked down upon by the "emo" community, often seen as "posers."
While some scenesters call themselves emo, other scenesters pride themselve in not taking part in some of the "emolike" activities.
such as cutting, and writing poetry.
Scenester is mostly about fashion.
Most scenester clothing is found at hot topic
But other scenesters will buy normal chlothing and modify it by sewing or pinning.
While the fashion part plays a big role, there is also a sort of attitude and habits that will grow on it's own when being around scenesters for a while.
You may start complaining about people who try and be scenester only when they go to concerts.
note:alot of senesters i have been introduced to hate it when people try and capture the scenester look,only to go to concerts.

and also alot of things associated with scenesters are often reffered to as being "so myspace"

small, colorful dinosaurs
pictures through the mirror
pictures from above
pictures in general
hot topic
and overused phrases

scenesters will often stick to screamo, or hardcore music and make fun or plug their ears when they hear rap music.

guys will usually wear girls clothing that contains things that are dorky or "cute"
although with the scenester trend on the rise, companies will make guys clothing that are girlish.
and pretty much every scenester guy has like ten+ bracelets

girls will wear ultra skinny jeans, and "cute" tops often associated with a cartoon or an animal.
and what is a scenester girl without a shoulder bag??
(no purse)

whhile emotionally hadcore isn't the only thing you can aspire to to be scenester, it is the most used trend among scenesters.

"scenesters are such posers"
"Let's be scenester and dress like girls!"
"that livestrong bracelet is so scenester"

by jandro13 August 5, 2007

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