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A state of uncertainty, brought on by an unsolicited or unwarranted barrage of compliments. This sensation is typically followed by the raising of a bullshit alarm, and is most usually induced by a frenemy.

-"Oh, cutie, you have been so funny tonight...(later at the same party)...that's a really nice shirt. It really brings out your eyes, and I've never noticed how amazing they are...(yet again, later, same party)...this is the best sex I've ever had. I've never felt this way with anyone before. You are without doubt the best lover in the world"
- (you, all the while, thinking:) 'Uh, ok(?)...uh, whatever...Is she for-fucking-real? This was a mistake. I'm so utterly flattergasted right now. '

by jawasan July 15, 2015

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Veryfine Pepsi

Quite the tastery beverage made as follows:

Use varying parts of:
Veryfine Fruit Punch
Coca Cola
Jack Daniel's no. 7

Use titration method for the optimum molarity.

No substitutions allowed.

For best results, practice titration methods under unsuspecting authority figures' unawares. Then, when it comes time to host in a larger social setting (i.g.88, AXP TFi), you will be regarded bees balls, irregardlessly.

-Damn, this goes down so easy...
-do they even make Veryfine juice anymore?
-I hear vodka and Veryfine Papaya is sic (sic)
-if this is Coke...
-...Don't Phase Me, Bro!

-Carolyn, Bill, Bill, and Bill all want Solo full of Veryfine Pepsi

by jawasan October 30, 2012

llama bubble

(noun) 1. The radius that cannot be crossed when dealing with a llama. Upon getting too close to a llama, said animal will act unpredictably. 2. A person's personal space. Upon trespassing into this zone without permission may cause said person to act in an unpleasant manner towards the trespasser. Syn: Comfort Zone, Elbow Room

Example 1:

Irrational Zoo Patron: "Here, llama, llama, llama..." *moves in to pet llama on top of head*
Llama: *spitting blood from eyes; stomping on IZP's feet, then naughty-bits, then face* "SCREEEEE!!!! SCREEEEE!!!"
Quizzical Zoo Patron: "Dude, what happened here?"
Aloof Zoo Patron: "Dumb-ass bastard - he breached the llama bubble"

Example 2:

Slightly Drunk Party-Goer: "Oh, wow, dude - is that leather?" *touches Exceedingly Drunk Party-Goer's jacket sleeve*
Exceedingly Drunk Party-Goer: "What the f^<{, brah? Do I even know you?" *proceeds to get Medieval on llama bubble offender*
Slightly High Party-Goer: "Why is that dude getting his beer crammed in his ass?"
Exceedingly High Party-Goer: "Awww, dude, I saw the whole thing! The one dude with the beercan in his ass comes up to the other dude in the suede jacket and, like, gets all in his llama bubble..."

by jawasan January 17, 2008

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armchair widow

What a wife or girlfriend becomes at the start of a season of sportball, esp. NFL

(wife to husband): "These last few weekends at the beach have been nice. Too bad I'm going to lose you to football. You're making me an armchair widow"

(one gf to another gf): "We were dating for like, three months, then BAM. He's watching games and doesn't want to go out"
(other gf): "girl, you a armchair widow"

by jawasan August 29, 2019