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one of the 2 exceptions to the H language...it should be spelled hootball... but its spelled hoothall for some reasons we dont wanna reveal

Matt: jay, wanna throw around the hoothall?

by jaybah May 28, 2006


a very sped up version of the word "yeah." You can also add a lot of a's to it to make it sound like wheaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...it was made up by matt and jay by a yack back thing...its bah

Matt: Wheaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Jay: Haha

Matt: Is it whea?
Jay: Sure

by jaybah May 26, 2006

9👍 4👎

H language

A language that consits of speaking every word with an H replacing the first letter of each word...the exceptions are: hoothall= football, it should be hootball and woodhip=woodchip, it should be hoodchip... founded by matt and jay

Example 1:

Jay: Matt, are you getting barbeque chips?

In the H language: Hatt, hare hou hetting harbeque hips?

by jaybah May 28, 2006

21👍 55👎