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Conan Complaint

A complaint by a person who is half as good at his/her job as the last person in it, and yet whines before being paid $45 million to resign.

Man, seriously, that Conan Complaint actually worked with those head honchos? All he did was cost us 2.5 million customers!

by jayinatlanta January 22, 2010

7👍 28👎


1. An entire statement: "Fuck Tony George." This acronym has been used hundreds of thousands of times by fans of open wheel racing when discussing Tony George, a former CART board member who formed the rival and inferior Indy Racing League (IRL), which led to the reduction in popularity of open wheel racing and the rapid rise of NASCAR.

2. A mid-sentence noun: "Fucking Tony George."

1. The Indy 500 is now a joke. Champ Car was purchased by the IRL for car count and some events. The crapwagons are the "top level," God help us. FTG!!!!

2. Did you see all the news articles? Now FTG might be on his way out of his responsibilities at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway, good riddance.

by jayinatlanta June 10, 2009

100👍 168👎