Noun- The designated position of the man who catches the elevated semen during a daink once the jumper has made it elevated. See daink and jumper
Well Jason, if I am the jumper, you may as well be the catcher!
19👍 49👎
Verb- A medieval term, when a jerk circle occurs with a minimum of 4 males. They then ejaculate in a dead females mouth. And then one of the men, designated the role of the jumper (see jumper)will then jump on the dead women's stomach forcing the air out of her body. The catcher (see catcher) will then catch the elevated semen in his mouth.
Jim, Jack, Jerry, Joe and Jeffery are going to daink Suzie when she dies.
Nicholas, would you like to be the catcher or the jumper when we daink your mother?
80👍 43👎
Friendcuffing is the act of keeping a potential suitor from speaking to a friend without being prompted by that friend to provide a layer of defense. This is not necessarily coming from a place of jealousy (a la "cock blocking") but can have the same effect. This act is generally a woman on woman crime and is not good for anyone involved.
Guy 1: "Hey man, what happened with that chick that you were talking to at the bar?"
Guy 2: "Man, her girl was friendcuffing ilke crazy, so I only got out two words before she asked for my entire family history"
Guy 1: "Yeah, I saw that coming, she looked like she was on guard duty...."
Noun- The man designated the position to jump on the female's stomach during a daink this will then force the air out of her stomach causing the semen to elevate
Jeffery would you like to be the jumper or should I?
You have much stronger legs then I, I insist you jump!
10👍 18👎