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CAH stands for "crooked ass house." Let's face it, not all of us are rich. Sometimes we have to settle with living in a house that lacks typical symmetry and parallel surfaces. It's frustrating when a pencil never stays still on the kitchen table. If you ever visit someone that has a CAH, you're better off not pointing out the imperfections. Often times, the occupants of a CAH respond in denial when confronted with this touchy subject. Don't worry, they'll accept it eventually.

1. Dude, I need a chair without wheels. I can't eat my cereal while drifting downhill in the CAH.

2. Friend 1: I'll be at the CAH in 5 min.

Friend 2: It's not a CAH, dude...

Friend 1: Whatever. You need to accept it. See you soon.

3. I can't wait until winter. Then, I can open up the window and sled ride into my room.

by jdizzle1409 July 10, 2011

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