Aka QuackityHQ.
He used to be a very funny and entertaining Youtuber/Twitch streamer... He phoned up indian scammers to troll them, raid games ad he wasn't afraid of telling jokes even tho they could be edgy...
Now... He sold out to the Minecraft circle jerk, is now "loud=funny" type of youtuber/twitch streamer and can be annoying which is not funny. He sold out his best friend of 7 years aka Aksually/Aksel and he was also friends with Hooverr too... For more popularity and money... which is such a shame... I don't hate Quackity or any of these 3 people mentioned but i don't think i'm interested in his content anymore.
Quackity sold out his best friend Aksel for money, popularity and the shitty Dream smp!
4👍 7👎