one of the best words to use when u have nothing else to say or u want to avoid talking to someone; its just wow.. an undescribable word -er wait i think i just described it to ya.. oh blahzerz.
some guy: soo i have nothing else to say right now..
some girl: oh yea? ur suppose to say blahzerz u moron, read the definition!
skanky girl: so anyways he asked me out and i told him that i might have genital herp-
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an animated series, directed by Dawn Wilton, about a rabbit who deals with modern day problems. Bunny, the main character, doesnt talk. his/her friends, beaver, emu, and squirrel also dont talk. the only ones who do are an annoying little creature named Friendly Friend and the humans. the show is full of "modern life" elements, such as diets, vegetarianism, racism, and environmentalism. It aired on teletoons and Disney in the UK and Canada. The episodes are 4-5 minutes
butters: is Bunny a male or a female?
jeny: no one will ever know.
jared: why doesnt Bunny talk?
jeny: cus the show is called Untalkative Bunny duh!!
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having a crush on some one you met on the internet. real unfortunate if u dont know how they look like, if they like you back, or if they even exist.
Jeny: omg steve i think i have an online crush on this guy i met online what should i do?
Steve (secretly has a crush on jeny): well ill tell you what IM going to do, first im gonna find him, then im gonna kill him.. MUAHUAHUAHA
Jeny (doesn't like steve much): but what if he doesn't exist?
Steve: um.. what? well i guess theres nothing we can do then
(Jeny's internet crush stalked her myspace profile, found out were steve lived, and killed him)
Jeny: yay my hero! wait.. ur not 18!
(she then grabbed a knife and killed her internet crush)
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verb trans.
to treat someone as a child or in a way that denies their maturity
jimmy infantilizes his friends all the time
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another way of saying crap but in a very pissed off way or possibly in a very good way
"michael moore was assassinated"
"jeny became rooler of the world"
"crapness... wait who the hell is jeny?!?"
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what is on when youve accidently fallen asleep in front of the tv, or when your too lazy to turn off the tv because your on the internet.
also known as infomercials
john: agh tv woke me up in the middle of the night, paid programming was on
bill: hm interesting.. you know insomniacs use to watch paid programming before the internet was born.
matt: omg i seriously had the craziest dream last night
zack: yea what happened
matt: billy mays was convincing me to buy OxiClean
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1. a button that does not exist. as much as you would want it to be there, it isn't.
2. a fake ad that is shown on urban dictionary and other sites. its there to mess with your head and give u false hope of finding your true love
lonely pahetic girl: i wish there was such thing as a love button, that way i would kno who loves me
jeny (living in the real world): well stop living in your little dream world it doesnt exist geez! i mean seriously how old r u?1?!@
girl: omg i clicked the love button when i was visiting this site to find out who i am compatible with. i only had to give them my phone number, and they subscribed me to their site. so now i also have to pay 5.99 a week! and all this because im stupid and wanted to know if your my true love.
guy who doesnt care: stop calling me! crazy slut!
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