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time out.
whats with all the people dissing cheer? (ONGZZ u fuggin WhOrE!!uno!!!1 FTw!!1)
now is someone tried out cheer, and legitimatly diddnt like it, thats totally fine.. but why do people have to diss something they dont even know about.
cheerleaders wear tight, sometimes skimpy clothes becasue it is dangerous to stunt an tumble with loose clothing. Also in all star cheer, judges need to see if you pinted your toes and whatnot. (whoever said gettting the judges "sexulay aroused" was the goal is dead wrong. you get points off of your routine is too "sexual" really.) for all the haters who want to pass judgement, fine. show me your standing full (keep your knees strait, kids) and you can pass all the jugement you want. waht most people on this page have described is school cheer (you know, cheering at football games and stuff..) or commonly known as yell leading. There are two types of cheer:
-allstar cheer is divided into 6 age groups and 6 levels. your teams age group and thour teams level determines your division.
here are the age groups:
*tiny 5 and under
*mini 8 and under
*youth 11 and under
*junior 14 and under
*senior 18 and under
*open any age
here are the levels and the tumbling skills that accompany them: (keep in mind that there are stunts that accompany them too.)
level 1: cartwheels, roundoffs, rolls. the basics.
level 2: you can add back handsprings
level 3: you can add back tucks, punch fronts
level 4: you can add back pikes, layouts, and X-outs
level 5: you can twist (fulls) and add arabians.
level 6: open. pretty much anything. you see some really crazy stuff at competitions.

so there you have it.
say you play soccer. you wouldn't want me hating on YOUR sport, just becasue of the UNIFORMS, would you?!

search 'all star cheer' on youtube to see cheerleading at its finest.

douchebag: haha.. you fuggin slut! what a whore! you call cheerleading a sport!??! LAWLZ you should see me play hockey. *puts on 80 pounds of padding, so as to not get a boo-boo*

cheereladers: look at that d-bag. lets kick his ass!

by jfgnaklfjhgladjkg May 14, 2008

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