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Auditory Processing Disorder (APD)

Auditory processing disorder is a hearing problem. Kids and adults with this condition can't process what they hear in the same way other people do because their ears and brain don't fully coordinate. An individual with this disorder may experience hearing certain things muffled while other things perfectly fine.

For example, a person with APD is in a restaurant, in the restaurant there's music playing, waiters walking and other people a few tables away talking. Beside the person with APD is their friend talking to them however, the individual with APD can hear that their friend is talking but it's muffled, the individual can hear the people talking, the music and the walking, almost as if those sounds were right next to them. It can be best described as watching tv with the volume turning up and down and off at random times and you can't control it.

Symtoms of APD:

You are easily distracted or unusually bothered by loud or sudden noises.
Noisy environments are upsetting to you.
Your behavior and performance improve in quieter settings.
You have difficulty following directions, whether simple or complicated.
You have reading, spelling, writing, or other speech-language difficulties.
Verbal (word) math problems are difficult.
You're disorganized and forgetful.
Conversations are hard for you to follow.


"Auditory Processing Disorder (APD) "

by jhasnocookies May 15, 2018