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Can be used as a Noun, Adjective, or Verb.

An empowered group of women and/or nonbinary folk. They work together to build one another up, stand by one another for moral support and major life events, give one another advice and tough love, and share stories of one's trauma. They may work together, but are also strong and independent on their own. They don't take shit.

JICK stands for Jin (bright and beautiful). Interconnected. Courageous. Kickass.

Noun: I love being part of a JICK. Everyone here is so kind and caring.

Adjective: This is such a JICK group of people! They're all so supportive and uplifting. It's like I've known them forever!

Verb: These people really JICK me up! I feel so empowered!

by jif1992 July 23, 2021