An item that will take a male parental unit (particularly of the African American variety), over 16 years to acquire from the grocery store.
Today, we gather to hereby postulate that milk is, contrary to popular belief, not only a beverage but rather a liquid which exists in a kind of quantum superposition, suspended between the contradicting states of broth and sauce. Although milk can be consumed as a beverage, another application of milk is to assist in the consumption of cereal. Of course, we know that cereal is obviously soup. This therefore elucidates the impression that milk is a broth in which the cereal is suspended - a kind of solvent - solute relationship, if you will. However, we also realise that if we possess more cereal than this broth, then the roles of solvent and solute will be reversed - that is, cereal will no longer be suspended in milk. Rather, milk will be suspended in cereal. We therefore conclude that in this state, milk becomes a kind of cereal sauce. Our next task is to conclude at what point this change occurs. We first observe the course of cereal soup consumption, (assuming that, of course, one begins consumption of cereal soup with more cereal than milk, and ends with more milk than cereal). We now observe that at the beginning of this process, milk takes the form of a sauce. However, by the end, milk has become a broth. We can now summarily conclude that contrary to all presently held presumptions, milk changes form from a sauce to a broth during the consumption of the soup.
The biggest thot in town - comes from Gujarat, and tries to take your money. She knows how to open bob like nobody else.
The Jiggler is in town! Protect your money and anus!
7👍 1👎
Nishant. The sexiest boy alive.
Niggler walks into the club and all the women faint. Turns into Ram Ranch up in this ho
2👍 10👎