v. Highly technical military term, meaning "to steal." Generally used in an operational setting. Stolen resources are typically the spoils of pilfering another unit's equipment.
Platoon Sergeant to Private: where the fuck is your Kevlar (helmet)? You better find it before Close of Business!!
(as the sergeant leaves)
Specialist to private: don't worry about it, we'll "acquire" one from third platoon.
59๐ 18๐
police: so, where exactly did you get (piece of expensive software / movie / album / any and every type of modern media / gold bullion / etc.) from?
you: why, i 'acquired' it from a 'reputable' 'vendor', sir!
police: okay, move along
you: trollface.png
11๐ 14๐
When you give your self or someone else a gift that was not paid for.
"Hey i got you something"
"Aw, from where?"
"well I acquired it"
21๐ 12๐
The correct spelling of a word that your 'dictionary' spells as 'aquiring'.
Acquiring credibility as a dictionary is difficult if words within the dictionary are misspelt.
5๐ 4๐
A term used to describe the act of stealthily obtaining items or gear you need. Only true ninjas are capable of tactically acquiring shit.
*Knifehand* Go tactically acquire some toilet paper, I don't have time to walk all the way over to the px and I don't want to bathe after I take a shit, you understand me?
31๐ 4๐
Another way of saying "this stuff is shit but you'll get used to it".
Guy 1: This moonshine tastes like shit
Guy 2: It's an acquired taste
Guy 1: Scat porn is shitty.
Guy 2: It's an acquired taste
177๐ 41๐
It is a behavior that is learned over a period of time, which cannot be unlearnt because it is imbibed in one's personality.
My friend couldn't date Samuel because he apparent acquired toxicity from his previous relationship.