Source Code

Pizza hunting

Must satisfy 2 major, 1 major and 2 minor, or 4 minor

Major Criteria
1. Eating equal to or greater than 3 slices of pizza in a non-meal setting
2. Eating pizza from more than 1 pizza restaurant in the same night
3. Eating pizza between the hours of 12 Midnight and 6 AM

Minor Criteria
1. Consciously eating dinner early in order to assure being hungry for "late night slices"
2. Choosing a nightlife location for you and your friends because of its proximity to a favorite pizza spot
3. Leaving your friends at a social interaction under false pretenses (e.g. to smoke a cigarette or to make a phone call) to eat pizza
4. Altering the pizza order in anticipation of further pizza eating that night (e.g. ordering extra for later or ordering less in anticipation of hitting another pizza joint)
5. Going back up to order more pizza either while eating or after finishing your first helping
6. Altering pizza eating habits in order to make yourself feel better, A.K.A. "Hunter's Denial" (e.g. eating whole wheat pizza because "its better for you" or eating pizza with knife and fork for better etiquette)
7. Performing excessive measures in order to not miss out on the pizza experience (e.g. blending the pizza after oral surgery or removing cheese because of an allergy)

Pizza hunting is essentially summed up by eating dinner, going out, drinking alcohol, getting hungry and searching out and eating pizza at all costs.

by jmascite June 12, 2009