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Perversivitity is the state of pervasive perversion or pervasive pornography.

There is an unbelievable amount of Perversivitity on the internet

by jmspaesq November 11, 2010

7πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


The state of being philosophically dyslexic...

My friend David waxed philodyslexic "A word is worth a thousand pictures" "Every silver lining has a cloud"

by jmspaesq September 4, 2010

38πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž


Subduplative is the state of being simultaneously subdued and contemplative.

My friend Lisa posted on facebook that she was feeling subduplative but would be back soon with her usual vim and vigo and sent Γ’Β™Β₯ to her facebook friends.

by jmspaesq November 7, 2010

12πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


A Baconican is a Republican who has switched to the Bacon Party where bacon lovers have united to help bring about a Baconocracy where we will be ruled wisely and benevolently by a Baconator, bacon will win in a greaseslide! Ask yourself, would you rather have a tea party or a bacon party? VOTE FOR BACON!!!

My friend who was a Republican came to her senses and switched to the Bacon Party and became Baconican!

by jmspaesq November 14, 2010

9πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


To be Esquired is to have passed the bar exam and be admitted to the Bar!

My bright and talented and awesome friend Amy just got her bar exam result and passed and is now officially esquired!

by jmspaesq November 11, 2010

6πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


Unlike a compromise which involves a give and take between opposing viewpoints, and mutual concessions, a republimise means to agree with whatever the Repugnicant overlords say given their attitude of arrogance and self righteousness and certainty that they are always right. Whether their 'mandate' consists of a one vote victory in the US Supreme Court as in the 2000 Presidential election, or taking back one house in the Congress as in the 2010 election despite polling showing the popularity of the party overall at 25% in approval ratings, they never waver from their certitude that they are always right and belong in power.

A Republicompromise was offered by the new house majority leader which consisted of 'our way or the highway' rather than any concession to the other party. The tea baggers declared themselves the new poltical center despite the fact that they are a bunch of extremist whack jobs who HATE AMERICA and agreed to Republimise meaning everyone else had to agree with them.

by jmspaesq November 4, 2010

143πŸ‘ 231πŸ‘Ž

Rush Lameass

Rush Lameass is a big fat assed hypocritical idiot drug addict propodandist who spews hate and nonsense and never lets a single fact stand in the way of his opinions! His followers who are incapable of independent thought actually proudly call themselves 'ditto heads' believe it or not.

Rush Lameass is a big fat idiot who is intent on going through life fat drug addicted and stupid and proud of it!

by jmspaesq November 5, 2010

173πŸ‘ 31πŸ‘Ž