Source Code


local scum who hang around the railings wearing ill fitting tracksuits, one nike glove and one of them crap nike hats on top of their head. they mainly spend all day smoking and harassing passer bys. they also never attend school as they are little fuckers and make everyones lives a misery. townies are the scum of the earth and should all be killed theres no doubt about it. they waste there live inbreeding and robbing and trying to be black people, mainly gangster cunts.

the bingham railing crew who stand all day smoking and drinking whilst odeling passer bys for money and fags, then beat up people for no apparent reason but to impress each other

by john December 5, 2003

7πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž


a kind of local scum bag hoe

you towny bastard

by john May 24, 2003

6πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

tea guzzling contest

A pissing contest among mathematicians.

Mathematician #1: Have you heard? Some guys discovered a Mersenne prime that's even bigger than the last one!

Mathematician #2: What a tea guzzling contest.

by john September 25, 2008

5πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž

Scorched Earth Policy

To make it a practice to refuse to give oral sex to all women who do not completely shave, wax, or through some other manner remove all of their pubic hair.

"Jill wanted me to go down on her but she had a landing strip down there and I have a strict Scorched Earth Policy"

by john September 16, 2004

46πŸ‘ 100πŸ‘Ž

colon candy

the incredible fecal-filth that is ejected from the anus of a puerto rican love-goddess.

"god,i love to eat the colon candy from jennifer lopez' magnificent ass!"

by john March 16, 2003

9πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž

the emo swoop

the fucking faggot who keeps posting pictures of his emo ass on here and refers to himself as "hot" is a fucking cock tard. when you can't tell by looking at a picture if somebody is a guy or a girl, you know your life is fucking worthless. kill yourself and your "emo swoop."

this just in: the "emo swoop'ster" on urban dictionary is a fucking wanker who will eventually come out of this stage in 2-3 years and realize how fucking stupid he was during that time.

by john March 14, 2005

783πŸ‘ 291πŸ‘Ž


word for mate

g'day, m8

by john June 12, 2003

424πŸ‘ 135πŸ‘Ž