The word "ratio" is used by a sub-species of humanity called "twitter people". They are used during arguments with other twitter people (this word is also used when "twitter people" disagree with eachothers opinions. A successful ratio means you get more likes and positive replies than the other post/message. It is referred that if you used this word you will be called a "clown" and a "bozo".
Twitter User: Ratio lol trash i beat u in a match in cod loooolllll
This event called "Ratio Day" is a holiday for a sub-species of humanity called "Twitter Users" where they argue with everyone they see with the word "Ratio". It is nonsensical for a normal human being to comprehend this event, and you should not because this event is only for the "Twitter Users". It is said you need to have a twitter account in the website "Twitter" to join this holiday. This event will take place every August 2, which is probably tomorrow in your time.
Ratio Day: lol noob ratio lolllll wdfff so cringe
A subreddit
for clowns who want reddit karma
r/wooooooooosh plssssss give me reddit karma and reddit gold plsssssss i want the KARMAAAA