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Penis-Exclusive Radical Feminist. A feminist revision of the more commonly known slur, "TERF". Meant to clarify that rad fems don't exclude trans (since they accept trans men, or trans-identified females), but that they actually exclude penis (male-bodied persons, or men).

Her bio reads "PERF not TERFҀ¦PERF and proud".

by jouissancepastance June 24, 2017

53πŸ‘ 130πŸ‘Ž

rainbow mafia

General name for individuals or groups who push the neoliberal LGBTQIA+ agenda aggressively and without room for questioning, critical thinking, or compromise. Dissenters are subject to ad-hominem attacks and online doxxing.

The rainbow mafia is always forcing people to accept anything transҀ¦ and if you do or say anything to dispute it, you're a villain.

by jouissancepastance July 8, 2017

308πŸ‘ 262πŸ‘Ž

The Senate

MACE arrives with THREE JEDI to arrest PALPATINE.

PALPATINE: Master Windu. I take it General Grievous has been destroyed then. I must say, you're here sooner than expected.

MACE WINDU: In the name of the Galactic Senate of the Republic, you are under arrest, Chancellor.

MACE WINDU and the other JEDI ignite their lightsabers.

PALPATINE: Are you threatening me, Master Jedi?

MACE: The Senate will decide your fate.

I am the Senate!

by jouissancepastance March 8, 2019

51πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


To refer to someone using a word, especially a pronoun or form of address, that does not correctly reflect the biological sex with which they were born. Also written as "mis-sex".

Various media outlets have continued to missex him.

by jouissancepastance March 30, 2019

18πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


To refer to someone with a word, especially a pronoun or honorific, that does not correctly reflect the biological sex with which they were born. Also written as "missex".

Mainstream media have continued to mis-sex him.

by jouissancepastance April 1, 2019

4πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


Also written "CE5". Short for "Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind".

Coined by famous ufologist Dr Steven Greer, adding to the well-known "Close Encounters" scale developed by 20th-century astronomer and ufologist J Allen Hynek.

Whereas the first four "kinds" of contact are initiated by extraterrestrials (ETs), CE-5 is human-initiated contact, whether by strictly technological means, or among the New Age by extra-sensory (ESP) efforts such as meditation-induced telepathy or astral projection.

I began the CE-5 protocols, entering an expanded state of consciousness and vectoring extraterrestrial vehicles to my locality.

by jouissancepastance March 22, 2018


GAMP (gynandromorphophilia) is a scientific term denoting attraction to GAMs (gynandromorphs). That is to say, GAMPs are men or women who feel sexually aroused by feminized men (who are themselves most often trans-identified males who've undergone some form of medical gender transition).

GAMPs presents a challenge to conventional understandings of sexual orientation.

by jouissancepastance July 7, 2018

294πŸ‘ 164πŸ‘Ž