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"Unidentified Aerial Phenomena". Sometimes instead "Unexplained Aerial Phenomena".

A visual stimulus that provokes a sighting report of an object or light seen in the sky, the appearance and/or flight dynamics of which do not suggest a logical, conventional flying object, and which remains unidentified after close

scrutiny of all available evidence.

Basically a newer term for UFO, but meant to imply a higher degree of validity.

"There’s a new name. It’s unexplained aerial phenomenon, UAP. That’s the latest nomenclature.” —Hillary Rodham Clinton

by jouissancepastance September 27, 2017

23👍 37👎


Formal acknowledgment by the world's governments of a non-human, extraterrestrial intelligence engaging the human race.

Disclosure shall mark the end of the Truth Embargo.

by jouissancepastance September 27, 2017

22👍 40👎


Formal acknowledgment by the world's governments of a non-human, extraterrestrial intelligence engaging the human race.

Disclosure shall mark the end of the Truth Embargo.

by jouissancepastance September 27, 2017

14👍 36👎


Male-to-Trans. A feminist revision of the more commonly known "MtF" (male-to-female). Meant to clarify that even if a trans-identified adult human male person changes appearance through hormones or surgery to align with a personal feeling of gender, the sex of the individual can never actually be changed to female (the physical change is only "skin deep").

I quit using the Orwellian term "MtF"; MtT is more accurate and neutral.

by jouissancepastance June 24, 2017

50👍 137👎


A concise word for referring to anything and everything within and behind the state, experience, theory, ideology, perspective, premise, perspective, belief, philosophy, etc, of that which is, was, or can be "transgender".

It is simply the corollary of words like "homosexuality", "gayness", "lesbianism", or "bisexuality".

The word itself has no positive or negative implication. Anyone who tells you that it does, is an overreactive activist.

I'm so tired of arguments online over transgenderism.

by jouissancepastance August 28, 2018

229👍 233👎


A person exhibiting uncontrollable or excessive desire for information.

"Please don't look it up; you spend so much time online, you're a becoming a borderline infomaniac."

by jouissancepastance January 11, 2010

91👍 74👎

Truth Embargo

The officially imposed ban on revealing the facts of an extraterrestrial presence on Earth. It includes the cover-up of UFOs and alien beings, as well as their technology (limitless energy, anti-gravity, and cures for all diseases) that would benefit the whole of humanity while upsetting the current hierarchy of power.

The Truth Embargo would seem to center around the editors and publishers who are too closely intertwined with corporate ownership to rock the boat.

by jouissancepastance September 27, 2017

17👍 38👎