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closet homosexual

A gay person who wants to keep their true sexual orientation
a secret.
A homosexual who will make a big show of dating the opposite sex to hide their gayness.
A fag who can't or won't accept the truth about thier sexual
A person who looks and acts like a queer but has an army of deniers to defend his charade.
Justin Bieber.

Justin Bieber is a closet homosexual.

Any male fan he has is a closet homosexual.

by jsd9632 January 8, 2012

47πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž


Persons who do not concern themselves with the well being
of others.
Persons who go out of the way to offend others.
Persons whose entire sense of self esteem depends upon the
misery of others.
Jerkoffs, douchebags, lowlifes, scumbags, turdbiters are some
of the lower forms of assholes. Like assholes in training.
Persons who will say or do anything outrageous regardless of the situation.
Insulting others brings their life meaning.

What assholes would say to their kids at the passing of the kid's mom:
Asshole dad: "You're fucking mother was a worthless cunt!
I should have chocked the fucking bitch to death after the
first time I fucking fucked her! The fucking whore!"

by jsd9632 January 14, 2012

22πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž


To recieve an unrequested photo of a man's genitals
on your electronic messaging device.

"Oh gross!!! That guy I met at speed dating last night just weinered me!

by jsd9632 June 16, 2011

13πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Storage Wars

A TV show on the A&E network about auctions at storage facilities.
It features the same bidders every week attempting to interject drama into each others lives.
Thery find some interestings things in the storage lockers that they take to experts to learn the history and value.
There are only 2 characters on this show worth watching Barry Weiss and Brandi Passante. Barry is very funny and Brandi is totally hot!
Brandi runs a second hand store called Now & Then with her husband Jarrod Schulz who is a total retard douchebag.
Barry drives a different car every week and usually buys the cheap lockers nobody wants.

I like to watch storage wars to see the unusual items they find in storage lockers.

by jsd9632 February 5, 2012

45πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž

hoover lips

A person with a set of lips that resemble a vacuum cleaner.
A cocksucker that can attach thier lips to a dick with the force
of shop vac.
A woman who can cause instant ejaculation just by placing her
ample lips around a cock.

I just got the blowjob of a lifetime from hoover lips.

by jsd9632 March 27, 2012

2πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

crying shame

A sarcastic response given to others when informed of a trajedy to persons that you have no connection to.

Chick: "Hey, did you hear? A train derailed killing lots of people in India."
Dude: "Really, tell me more."
Chick: "Well, the news said some people survived."
Dude: "Crying shame."

by jsd9632 December 31, 2013

5πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž


Is Spanish for lick or to lick. Generally used as a derogatory description of a boot or ass licker.

A company man.
A student who brown noses the teacher.
A dick licker.
A butt licker.

You want a promotion? Go Lambe the boss for a while, you'll get it.

by jsd9632 May 29, 2011

10πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž