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Tony's the coolest guy I know, he's the host to hundreds of parasitic bugs burrowed into his skin

Tony why are you itching so much?
I have scabies!
Damn that's cool!

by jtrapezius September 11, 2020


To create a spelling mistake. Derived from Tony misspelling his name as “Tont.”

Nick: Hey where do you guys wanf to go tonight
Me: nice Tont nick

by jtrapezius March 24, 2020

15👍 4👎


(Verb) Very disrespectful slang for a guy to have sex with a girl.

Connor: hey you wanna play call of duty?
Nick: nah might plug this girl from tinder later
Connor: nice

by jtrapezius May 9, 2020

2👍 2👎