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Lets get things set straight here bitches! A jugalette dont give a shit what other bitches think bout them! Any of you who juge us are just extremely jealous that you dont have this fuckin bad ass family that will stick by you til the end! We are homies all across the world and it dont matter if we have met each other or not Juggalos and Juggalettes stick by each other no matter what! We are all down with the clown! We never die mother fuckers so we are fuckin here to stay so you little scardy bitches who think that we are freaks you just better get used to seein us around mother fuckas cause no matter where you go there will always be a Juggalo or Juggalette there!!!!

wicked clowns never die bitches!!! Juggalos and Juggalettes are here to stay!!!

by juggalolovergrl March 19, 2008

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