An ass hole of a girl, watch out because she will steal your man. Very malicious and evil. Her laugh is preposterous and she is very unreliable. she can make you think anything she wants you to. This can be very dangerous to everyone around her. If you think you're falling for a Shannon, stop right away. Distance yourself from her, and stop making contact with her as much as possible. You don't actually like her, she's just making you think you do. A Shannon ruined my whole entire life. If she has brown hair and blue eyes, she is even more dangerous. Nobody really likes Shannon's, the Shannon's brain-wash us to make us think we do. Never name your kid Shannon, you will ruin her life, while she ruins other peoples'. Just be careful around Shannon's!
Boy: Yo, is that a Shannon over there?
Girl: OMG ya walk away! Don't make eye contact!
Boy: No, wait lets go say hi!
Girl: No, she is dangerous!!
*Boy goes to say hi*
*Boys entire life is ruined because a Shannon got involved*
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