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Justin Bieber

Justin Bieber is a guy so talented. But why do people hate on him? Because they're jealous of him, because he's rich, successful and hot? Or maybe because he has the most beautiful heart in the whole world and is so talented by heart. He helps people, he built a school for kids in Guatemala, treated Avalanna Routh as her sister, he has saved around 34% of teen girls lifes with his songs 'Be Alright' & 'Believe'. Think twice before you hate on someone, you dont even know. And don't always think of the bad stuff he has been through. He is human, just like everybody else. Just like you.

"Justin Bieber is so talented. He has the best fans in the world. His Beliebers"
Belieber is someone who BELIEve in Justin BieBER.

by justinbiebqr October 21, 2017