Love is like a drug, its the hardest thing to give up in the whole world, if you truly love somebody, you will go to the end of the earth for them give up things you thought you could never live without, It will give you, your biggest and worst lows you can ever imagine!! You just know when you in love it isn't something that is even explain able! I'll bet you think yes it is! But it isn't even close and if your somebody who has searched love like me and is think I totally agree, well you know what love is! And you will know like I do that no matter how much somebody hurts you or cause you heart ache you will still try to meet their expectations no matter how much you think you never will don't give up! I believe that some day the person your in love with will soon love you back! I've been going 4 years with someone who has no respect for me and I will never meet their expectations that one day the will realise that your the one who they really love otherwise they would have stopped it all if they didn't have any feelings for you at all! They must find it hard to give you up! Other wise why haven't the let go and moved on!! Its because the do love you but they find it so hard to admit for what ever reason they have! But one day they will realise that none of that matters and all that matters is you!! So that is love!
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