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Mitchell... often called Mitch.
Know-it-all when it comes to girls. Can predict every move a girl is going to make as well as her entire thought process.

However, he rarely goes for a relationship. He prefers the 'flirt and conquer' method.

He can often be found playing video games or maybe avoiding his parents. He also enjoys jumping on trampolines, and once in a blue moon can be found running to the park. :D

A Mitchell listens better than most other boys. He tries his best to understand and give advice.
But he isn't afraid to let you know what a dumbass you are or how much you worry him sometimes.

He doesn't mind that he constantly has to remind you how much you mean to him because he knows how thick-headed you can be.

A Mitchell enjoys making fun of vegetarians and vegans and holds firm to his belief that meat and chocolate lava cakes are supreme.

Sometimes Mitchell's are jerks but most of the time they mean well and even though the fights can get intense, it's only because they care so much and don't want to see you get hurt or feel like you're being replaced.

He is the best friend one can ask for and will stay around for as long as you will let him, you just gotta let him in and stop building walls.
He prefers girl's hair down and major fan of rappers such as Eminem and Lil' Wayne.

Girl: "I like him but I don't know if he likes me... He is so nice all of the sudden! I think he really likes me!"

Mitchell: "It's because he wants something from you. He's going to ask if he can pick you up tonight for a party just wait..."

Girl: "HE TEXTED ME! ...And he asked if I wanted him to come pick me up for a party..."

by justsaymyname<3 April 5, 2011

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