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A Muslim is a follower of the Islamic faith. Contrary to what appears to be, from the vast majority of the widely bigoted definitions other users of this website have submitted, popular belief, Mulsims follow a religion that is no better or worse than any other and is not a terrorist religion.
Muslims follow the prophet Muhammad.
Contrary to popular belief, jihad (holy war), although it is required by Islam, is often not a literal war. In fact, it is believed in the Islamic faith that inner war is the highest of all holy wars--meaning that one must fight inside oneself the way that many non-Muslims do on a day-to-day basis to be a better, holier person.
In Islam, Jews and Christians are accepted as "people of the book" because they use the same holy books that Muslims believe in and the Koran comes from.
Muslim terrorism often only comes from the power-hungry who abuse religion (and it cannot be denied that this hasn't occurred in all religions, particularly Christianity) and the uneducated who have been given misinformation by the power-hungry. Islam in itself is not a terrorist faith and never has been. Also, the notion that Islam was originally spread by early terrorists galloping through the Middle East on camel back is untrue and is a notion similar to the fact that a reason Christianity is so prevalent worldwide is that it was sometimes spread by force and violence, despite the fact that violence is an undeniable violation of the laws set forth in Christianity.

Muslim: Hi everyone I'm a Muslim and I'm not a terrorist.

by justtryingtostopsomeignorance September 27, 2011

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