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Womanizer - an empty-hearted, empty-headed, pathetic coward with low self-esteem and enjoys doing evil. I do believe lying, cheating and stealing qualify as EVIL. This particular womanizer must carry a gun to make himself feel like a man. Makes up bs stories based on books he has read in order to make you think he is a real exciting dude. He will actually tell you he is a "keeper" even while you are planning your exit (that is if you catch on quick enough). Let's see.....liar, fake, alcoholic, always "doing" for a woman because he is actually tooo boring to really hold one's interest and knows it so he works hard for "it". He WILL DO YOUR YARD FOR YOU AND COOK FOR YOU AND EVEN CHANGE THE SHEETS AFTER HAVING SOMEBODY ELSE OVER. Likes to say he is a "Keeper". Yeah everybody wants a liar and a fake and someone that hates just about everybody; correction EVERYBODY. This "keeper" will try to "do" your girlfriends too. This "keeper" deals drugs on the side to support his addiction...womanizing. Oh yes, he ends up ALWAYS being the VICTIM.

Nikolai Nikolov is such a womanizer.

Remember it is not that he loves you, it is that he hates you. Very sleazy. Deals drugs to support his addiction to "loving" women, if you don't have a problem with that GO FOR IT.

by justtryintohelp January 2, 2012

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