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Typically an unattractive female with so much unsecurity she appears talkative but its nervousness. Wants to be center of attention at gatherings and social events, one too many and she throws herself at any man in front of her. Lazy, unimaginative, lack of creativity. Best word to describe her is homely. Seeks someone desperate or pathetic enough to be blindsided by her malicious and manipulative demeanor. Quick to settle, marry, or rush in a relationship for security and financial gain. Selfish, unfaithful, easy.

Stay away from Janelle, if she isnt after your body, she is after your money.

by kandidlybrutal June 29, 2018

2👍 39👎


Brad, short for Bradley is an average white male with little to zero life ambition. A red neck, snuff chewing chest puffed cock. Poor hygene, undergroomed facial hair, bad teeth and style. Hairy. Doesnt have much to say and socially awkward. Likes to present himself as more than he is or does, lack of confidence. Boastful. Acts like an outstanding person and captain save america but has no morals or hesitation in breaking the rules.

Brad is a know it all

Brad is a law breaker

by kandidlybrutal June 29, 2018


Kelsey is a social party girl. Like a spider to a fly. Selfish, needy, unstable little girl. Her outward behavior makes her more of an embarrassment than attractive, try as she might. Easily jealous, immature and attention seeking. Also known as a bar fly, bar wench. Has more bed partners than she can count, or remember, literally. Although she tends to be trendy her fashion sense is horribly trashy, including her makeup. Eye sore. She would rather make excuses and poor life choices than become responsible. Typically uses people, men, to her advantage. Sex in exchange for gifts, surprises, or begging daddy for money. No work ethic. Her life and body is a public broadcast.

Kelsey leaves nothing to mystery

by kandidlybrutal June 29, 2018

1👍 4👎