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A person who has accepted Jesus Christ into their life.
A follower of Him.They usually go to a church,read the Bible,Pray,ect.They are kind,considerate,and know that they are not better than anyone else.Or that is the way they should be.Christians do have fun.Fun isn't just playing violent games with blood,gore,cussing,shoting people in the head, and all that.Fun isn't just having sex all the time.Fun isn't just drinking and partying.Fun can be being with family.Fun can be going to church.Christian's don't just go to church and throw little green Bibles at you when you walk out the front door.They have a life,also.They know they aren't perfect.Nor is anyone else besides God/Jesus.Give them a chance,they will most likely give you one.

Being a Christian isn't that bad.

by katielovex June 6, 2007

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