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(n.) a "Gamer" is someone, male or female, who plays video games often. There is no limit to certain games, nor is there a limit to certain consoles. Playing on a computer does not make one more of a "gamer" than one who plays on different consoles. Someone who plays shooter type games does not make them more of a "gamer" than one who plays racing games, either. There are different types of gamers who play different types of games at different lengths of time.

Jimmy is a gamer, he plays Call of Duty and Grand Theft Auto regularly on his Xbox 360. Billy is a gamer too, who is always playing a variety of indie games and Minecraft. Jimmy says Billy is not a gamer because indie games are not hardcore. Billy says Jimmy is not a real gamer because he still plays on a console. Both need to go suck a cock.

by kaunua July 1, 2013

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