Braylen is a nut...he is trustworthy, reliable and somehow always cracks a smile on you face, his joke are not so good, but he will bring joy in your heart, his aura is so bright he shines a room so quick with his handsome smile. Braylen is not annoyed by many thing, he has a high patience tolerance and will be able to talk you through anything, Braylen is a good friend,boyfriend, bestfriend, you name it.
OMG I want a Braylen!
OMG I want a friend like a Braylen!
Braylen is a big ole nut, whose goofy but trustworthy and reliable, his aura brightens the room with his confidence and highly active features about himself. he is not very good with his jokes but manages to make you smile one way or another. hes handsome sweet and just everything.
omg i want a braylen
i wish i had a friend that was like a braylen
Jiâlen is simply just a bitch.. heâs just a bitch. Thank you
bitch ass Jiâlen