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Okay. I'm gonna give you my insight on the word emo. Emo isn't:
- Wrist slitting
- Suicide thinking
- Tight jean wearing
- Scarves year-round
- Face covering hair
- Converse
- Depresing music with pointless choruses
-Crazy eye make-up

Emo has concepts which are hidden behind stereotypes and MTV's lies. Emo isn't simply a way to dress. Nor is it an easy way to get girls. Emos may wear tight clothes and worn out shoes. Worn our shoes are comfortable and band t-shirts support your favorite bands. Crying shows your not made of stone. Writing poetry shows creativity. Emos usually write poetry about things that have happened recently in their lives. Sometimes this helps them get better insight on what happened and helps them get through it. I know it helps me get through everything. Some may even write songs. Emos usually have a reason to be emotional such as being raped, beaten, or ignored as a child, especially by someone you love.

Cutting has been stereotyped to emos. Not all cutters are emos and not all emos are cutters.

Emo music is brought from the writters' experience in relationships and family issues in some case. I believe the music tells kids that they're not alone in the world. Sometimes you need that feeling when you feel alone and useless.

For everyone that thinks emos all sit in dark corners and cry as they slit their wrists, I think you're wrong. They may sit in dark corners and they might cry, but it's not your problem. You don't like them then stay away from them. They are coping with their own problems that don't need to put up with the shit you're giving them too. Get a fucking life. If you have nothing better to do then make fun of them, you must be a fucking loser.

Losers w/ no life ragging on emos.

Kyle- Dude, did you see that emo kid?
Matt- I know dude, did you see his eyeliner? What the fuck is up with that?
Kyla- Dude, I know. His pants were like so fucking tight. You could practically see his dick.
Matt- Dude, why do you know that???

by kaylaxhatesxthexworldx September 9, 2007

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