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wow i truely feel bad 4 all of u that are bashing jesus since jesus is the only human being that lived a perfct life....all u who say well in the bible its says were all sons of god how come he gets praised 4 it? it is true that the bible says that but jesus wasnt JUST the son of god he was god in a human form...and 4 u all that say there is no proof of jesus.... the bible is evidence last time i checked.....and 4 all u tht say well what if the bible is fake.....the bible was the most sold book of ANY time period so obviously when the bible was written it was true or so many people wouldnt have bought it because those people witnessed it first hand....and 4 u who say if god is real why doesnt he help people? these are the people i TRUELY feel sorry 4 bc they must not have ever had any expirences in life that inspired them that they could not explain.....god helps people everyday when a child fighting cancer unexpectingly survives after they said he was done? what do u call that? u cant call it scientific because the medical scientists that we call doctors said they were done.... if everything in this world was scientific how do explain the unexplainable that "shouldnt" happen according to science.... bottom line jesus was the greatest person to walk the earth and if u dont want to believe in him that is your decision... i personally disagree with it because that is my religion but im not living your life now am i?

BTW if anyone has an arguement against this i would like to hear it and im not saying it in a i know everything way i would just like to hear what u have to say agianst jesus and i want to hear tour persepcetve

by kct5 July 25, 2006

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