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Literally, "Too big; didn't open"

Said whenever a noob makes a post with an attached image that is too big to bother downloading to view in full size, specially on an image board like 4chan, instead of resizing it to a more practical size.

Usually implies that the person using it tried to open the image in full size but immediatly stopped the download after a couple of seconds of said image slowly appearing 90' style because it wasn't worth the wait (judgement made on the thumbnail) or as a protest against such an unrespectful behaviour.

When informed of his mistake, the noob will usually comment in a derogative tone on the internet connection of the protesters.

Original poster: "Hi guys what do you think of my new sweater? (2.25 MB, 3264x2448)"
User 1: "tb;do"
User 2: "learn2resize"
Original poster: "Remember how it's 2010 and it's not my fault if you still use a 56kb modem".
User 1: "Remember how i'm not wasting my pricey mobile internet traffic because you can't bother to use a stupid image editing software."

by keichix December 31, 2011


As in everything about a chick looks good, "but her mace", referring to a tear gas in the form of an aerosol spray which propels a lachrymatory agent mixed with a volatile solven in her purse that makes her hard to approach.

Bert: What you up to last night?
Lejosh: I was walking home from the bar and i saw this 10/10 chick walking on the curb...
Bert: ...sweet man did you get her digits?
LEjosh: ...but as i got closer she reached to her purse so i backed out, she was definitely a buttermace.

by keichix November 27, 2010

Treadmill potato

Person who watches television while working out at home on a treadmill, on the base of a rating system in which tv shows get labeled as "worth watching from the couch" or "can totally be seen during exercise".

The tv shows belonging to this last category are watched just to keep track of the story while waiting for the occasional good episode that justifies remaining attached to a series that outrunned it's original concept, or for that one-per-episode cool computer graphic effect. They can be followed just fine by listening and looking at the screen every 5 seconds or so. In the case of movies, they usually are cheap B movies often downloaded from the internet or rented by mistake.

The key concept of this activity is multitasking, originating from the fact that:
a) one has not enough couch-time to watch tv from a sitting position
b) one lacks the determination to stay put and watch a now boring show just to see how it ends
c) one wants something to distract him from the pains of fat-burning.

See also: elliptical potato, stationary bike potato.

Tim: John, long time no see! Did you lose weight?

John: I really needed to free some space on my TiVo, so i treadmill potato'ed my way through the last season of Prison break and Heroes.
Michael: Well, time to go, i need to burn some fat.
Ryan: The office is on tonight, are you gonna watch it while you exercise?
Michael: Hey, i might be a treadmill potato, but The office will *always* get some couch time from me.

by keichix November 1, 2009


The act of falling asleep with your hand on the mouse while surfing the web, and randomly clicking and moving it in your sleep, often ending up with something on the screen you were not looking at when you fell asleep.

To other people present, it's like seeing a puppy moving it's legs during a nap, but to the unfortunate sleeper there will be a little concern when he/she will wake up and see something unexpected on the screen, just like sleepwalkers waking up not in their beedroom.

See also RMM (Rapid Mouse Movements).

A: Hey, bro', look, mom fell asleep again at the computer.

B: Oh my god, did you see it? She clicked the mouse. Owww, how cute! She is sleepbrowsing!

A: Holy s**t she opened up a porn site!

by keichix January 12, 2009

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Stationary bike potato

Person who watches television while working out at home on a stationary bike, on the base of a rating system in which tv shows get labeled as "worth watching from the couch" or "can totally be seen during exercise".

The tv shows belonging to this last category are watched just to keep track of the story while waiting for the occasional good episode that justifies remaining attached to a series that outrunned it's original concept, or for that one-per-episode cool computer graphic effect. They can be followed just fine by listening and looking at the screen every 5 seconds or so. In the case of movies, they usually are cheap B movies often downloaded from the internet or rented by mistake.

The key concept of this activity is multitasking, originating from the fact that:
a) one has not enough couch-time to watch tv from a sitting position
b) one lacks the determination to stay put and watch a now boring show just to see how it ends
c) one wants something to distract him from the pains of fat-burning.

See also: treadmill potato, elliptical potato.

Tim: John, long time no see! Did you lose weight?

John: I really needed to free some space on my TiVo, so i stationary bike potato'ed my way through the last season of Prison break and Heroes.
Michael: Well, time to go, i need to burn some fat.
Ryan: The office is on tonight, are you gonna watch it while you exercise?
Michael: Hey, i might be a stationary bike potato, but The office will *always* get some couch time from me.

by keichix November 1, 2009


A relationship broakup (or otherwise simply known as a broakup) refers to the ending of a relationship, typically a bromantic one (see: Bromance). A broakup can vary from casual to emotionally traumatic. The cause itself can be related to a degradation of the relationship between bros (rolling back to "friends", or worse, to "acquaintances") or in the most tragic cases, to circumstances bigger than said individuals (i.e marriage, graduation, moving, etc.).

In case of a very abrupt and definitive separation, or when the broakup ends a very profound and intense bromance, the term "brovorce" may be more appropriate (see: Brovorce).

Jim: "Tomorrow Tom will move from our apartment. We shared it for 8 years, and tonight will be the last time we go out to party until there's not a single bar open and come home to drink the last shot before passing out. I feel like shit."

Andrew: "Cheer up, broakups can be bad, but i'm sure you two will still manage to do that every now and then, even if he's going to live 100 miles from you."

by keichix August 22, 2009

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A person filed under "brother" or "sister" on a Facebook profile that has no real blood or legal relationship with the profile owner, but given a deep intimacy or friendship by a mutual agreemeent each of the parties gains this title. Its effects are limited to Facebook.

Derived from Facebook + sibling.

See also Facebrother, Facesister.

A:Hello Elizabeth, the other day i was reading your facebook site, and i was surprised to read you have *two* sisters, as your mother told me that she had only two daughters. Is she a step sister, or uterine sibling, or quarter sibling?
B:No Mr Harrison, none othe above, she is just my Facesibling, it's just a Facebook thing.

by keichix February 18, 2010