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The most handsome man I've ever met with the most amazing smile I've ever seen. He has a great personality whether it's how funny he is or just how he's the most honest person I've ever met. He talks with the cutest little southern accent that just gives me puppies in my heart. He knows how to make me smile when it seems like I'm having the worst of days. He makes me feel safer than anybody has ever made me feel before. He's fun to hang around and can do some of the goofiest things I've ever seen that I just can't help to love. He cares more than most and will do anything for anybody that won't take advantage of it. He's gone through a lot, maybe even too much, but he continues on with his life and prospers. He's a future pbr world champion ;) He's the kinda man you hope to have in your life for a very long time, if not forever. The kinda guy you would love to have as your best friend, your boyfriend, or maybe even your future child's father. The kinda guy that I just absolutely adore and am proud to call mine.

Timothy is the cheese to my macaroni and I wouldn't have it any other way.

by kimrayez December 17, 2013

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