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An Australian is an inhabitant of Australia, which is both a continent and a country in one.

Australians have a unique language that they developed from English colloquialism giving them a distinct style and accent. The New Zealanders have copied it, addinga few variations, like 'sex' for 'six', and 'dick' for 'deck'.

Most American made shows and movies portray Australian as slack jawed drunks who sit around all day and feed babies to their pet dingos. Unlike the Americans, Australians do not promote themselves in movies with their flag nor do they get involved in other country conflict, like the Americans, unless draged in. And most of their celebrities and directors now come to Australia to film their movies and hang out on our beaches with those 'cute Australian babes'.

An Australian is a character and a half and it's a title to be proud of. Go you good thing!

William: So where to these holidays?
Chad: Lets head out to Australia. I'd like to pick up some of them hot Australians down at the beach.

by kink_jabooty August 14, 2005

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