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Kirsten is a beautiful girl. She is thick and perfect but she thinks she’s fat. She has 2 really close friends and gets really jealous when they hand out together. She has to sides to her: she can be kind and sweet but can also be a bitch; B I C T H. Usually really loud and funny but will do anything to be popular and gets embarrassed by her friends often. Hates being called: Kristen and Kirsty

“I love Kirsten but she can also be crazy jealous”

by kirsten_apps October 3, 2019


Lily is a shy, quiet girl but once you get to know her she’s absolutely insane. She is a dancer. She always finds herself lost in the crowd, and underrated. She usually is really skinny and people compliment her on that but she hates it. Usually has a big nose but people deny it to spare her feelings.

Person Lily doesn’t know: “Lily? I don’t really know her, she seems really shy and quiet.”
Lily’s BFF: “Ha! She’s the most outspoken and loud person ever!

by kirsten_apps October 3, 2019

2👍 1👎


Polly is absolutely stunning but she doesn’t take advantage of it. Tall, blonde, tan and beautiful. Usually very loud and funny. She finds herself disliked because she may come on too strong but only the real ones know.

Person Polly doesn’t know: “Polly’s alright. She a bit too crazy though”
Polly’s BFF: Just get to know her and that’ll change.

by kirsten_apps October 3, 2019

3👍 4👎


Lillian is very healthy and happy. She is tall and thinks she’s fat but everyone knows she isn’t. She doesn’t have to best style but that doesn’t matter to her. She is really smart and everyone copies off her in class. Usually quiet and mature when around adults and but is loud and swears a lot when with friends.

Compatible friends initials-
L+L | L+H | L+C | L+B
Compatible relationship initials-
L+N that’s it

“Lillian’s great”

by kirsten_apps October 3, 2019

12👍 2👎