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Chandler Riggs

15 year old actor from a small town in Georgia who made it to the big times when he landed the role of Carl Grimes on AMC's The Walking Dead when he was ten. Although he looks like a total baller, he tends to stay up until three in the morning playing League of Legends over webcam and posts in on YouTube. He's currently dating Arizonian-moved-California model and actress, Hana Hayes, who gets an excessive amount of hate from his 'fans' since he asked her out in San Francisco on April 1st, April Fools Day. He's generally friendly and kind to his devoted followers, but step out of line or make an uncalled for comment and he becomes the sass master and his fans (most of them 12-13 y/o girls who use racial slurs and vulgar language) come swarming in like vultures and make you wish you were never born. You either love him or you've never heard of him.

ie. 1

Fan: Do you know who Chandler Riggs is?

Random Person: Who?

Fan: From The Walking Dead. He plays Carl.

Random Person: OH! The little boy in the hat. Stay in the house! LOL!!!11

Ie. 2

Fan: Do you know who Chandler Riggs is?

Another Fan: OMG YAAAASS I have a fan account!

Fan: Me too!

Another Fan: Lets exchange users... Wait, did we just become best friends??

Fan: Um I think so.

by kittenmittens January 27, 2015

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