Someone (usually a neighbour) who sucks wireless internet access off someone else's connection. An internet freeloader.
My download limit reached already? Hmmmm...I think we have a Wanpire in our midststsstssssssssss
A person with extensive knowledge in many areas, or with a formidable collection of general knowledge. An expert in many fields. One who seems to know everything.
Dr. Barry Jones is an omnologist
To Preach the Flosspel: (verb) The act of motivating someone to floss (or brush) to improve their oral health. Can include dental health education and technique advice.
Hygienist: bitch, you got some serious periodontitis, I'ma preach the flosspel on yo ass!
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A thoroughly unsatisfactory lecture.
I got out of bed at 1pm for this? What a fucking lecturd!
Sore, aching testicles resulting from too much sex and/or masturbation.
In effect the opposite to blue balls
While unemployed Darren spent 3 hours a day jacking off to xtube and got a case of red balls.
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A bureaucrat (or public servant / official, etc) who denies service, delays you, makes things difficult for or generally screws you over solely for their own pleasure / amusement / possible sexual arousal. May also result from bitterness and their being dead inside.
Man: did you get the application form?
Woman: No, he showed it to me but wouldn't hand it over, he said it had to be mailed to me.
Man: But you were right there!
Woman: I know, what a bureaucunt!
1) A skank.
2) A person who drinks a lot of pepsi.
3) Lower middle class female youth wearing revealing clothing even though she's fat and ugly.
Hey there pepsi princess! You're the pepsiest girl in town!
-Allan Wicker from his 1990 hit song Pepsi Princess
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