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shortened form of monkey, a sweet little guy who is constantly trying to entertain people. occasionally can cross into the territory of circus gimp but whom we love

Nat: monks is such a cutie
Cat: i know, bless his little monkey socks

by kittycat July 6, 2004

44👍 27👎


a more emphatic form of pants meaning rubbish or useless.

girl 1: this party is pants
girl 2: damnit this is pantalons

by kittycat July 6, 2004

7👍 4👎

circus gimp

1, the little clown in the circus who is the butt of all jokes.
2, can also be used as an insult
3, someone who tries to perform tricks to impress people but looks like an idiot

you are such a circus gimp

by kittycat November 11, 2003

6👍 4👎

peg leg meg

crazy but sweet person

person 1:that girl is such a peg leg meg
person 2:i know, bless her.

by kittycat November 11, 2003

10👍 6👎