Source Code

no u.

ultimate comeback

"yOuRe PhAt" "no u."

by kiwidontstealmytoiletpaper July 1, 2020

Kermit the frog with thanos glove

end of the world

"do you see that, i think its Kermit the frog with thanos glove"

"welp, see you on the other side."

by kiwidontstealmytoiletpaper July 1, 2020

1πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

bob ross

my daddy

"wheres your bob ross?"


by kiwidontstealmytoiletpaper July 1, 2020


likes to eat toes and she likes to "comer ninos" whatever that means.


by kiwidontstealmytoiletpaper July 1, 2020

15πŸ‘ 22πŸ‘Ž


phat means that you are hot and smexy

"you're phat"

"shut up ugly"

by kiwidontstealmytoiletpaper July 1, 2020

ooga booga

you dirty dog

youre an ooga booga

by kiwidontstealmytoiletpaper July 1, 2020

3πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

inaudible noises

what you say when you fail at life

*dies* inaudible noises

by kiwidontstealmytoiletpaper July 1, 2020