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cyka blyat

Russian for something between "bitch" and "fucking bitch"

"cyka" means "bitch"
"blyat" is a generic amplifier word like "to fuck"

Note: "blyad" with a "d" means "whore", illiterate native speakers(a common occurrence in all languages) think it is related, but it's not.

The exact meaning cannot be translated because of grammar differences.

The distance between "bitch" and "to fuck" displays the amount of displeasement the speaker shows towards the person in question, ranging between rage when both words are close, to a mild displeasement, when the amplifier word is at the end of the sentence. Problem is, English must obey sentence structure, and uses a workaround by attaching the amplifier word to other words, saying "a fucking store" the speaker doesn't care about the store at all, he just uses it as a foundation to bind the amplifier "to fuck". In Russian, however, grammar is baked into a word, so you can use them anywhere without losing structural integrity.

But what if the sentence doesn't have any helper words? English is helpless in this case, because there is nowhere to attach amplifier words. Russian however you can still detach "to fuck" and place is elsewhere so "fucking bitch" becomes "bitch fucking", which is slightly less insultive. This creates a small rift and the expression becomes impossible to translate 100%.

"this fucking bitch went to a store" - "this blyat cyka went to a store"
"this bitch fucking went to a store" - "this cyka blyat went to a store"
"this bitch went to a fucking store" - "this cyka went blyat to a store"

by kkk13255 May 11, 2017

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