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black swan

An event or occurrence that deviates beyond what is normally expected of a situation and that would be extremely difficult to predict.

Reeses' Peanut Butter Cups were formed by a Black Swan event when a truck carrying peanut butter ran into a truck carrying chocolate.

by kleinsound April 10, 2008

474👍 164👎


for sure; obviously; duh
Mixture between fosho and obviously
Also fo shoviously

Pimp A: That ho is slammin!
Pimp B: Foshoviously!

by kleinsound September 29, 2005

15👍 2👎

fo shoviously

For sure; obviously; duh
Mixture between fo sho and obviously.

Kid A: She's hot!
Kid B: Fo shoviously!

by kleinsound September 29, 2005

28👍 14👎

weekend water

An alcoholic beverage; Booze

It's Friday. I'm thirsty. Give me some weekend water.

by kleinsound May 12, 2008