Source Code


what happens when a baby cow gets born again

gather rounth... for an udderance of the truth shall be revealed... the wise man hath bovined... moooove on...

by knitwitted March 8, 2010

5👍 21👎

math stud

a nerd with a cock that grows from x-to-z and gives x-to-c

a typical math stud has a big head

by knitwitted March 7, 2010

Flo Rida

a hot bad-ass rapper whose hip-hop songs attract middle-aged petite white girls because of the "Hooked on Classics" hook and the "Riverdance" beat

Flo Rida is one hot Iwish dawg

by knitwitted March 7, 2010

13👍 65👎


a polite way of saying "fuck off"

so long, take care, screwdaloo!

by knitwitted March 7, 2010

$1.25 guy

a 100% nice guy with two bits in change

that dude ain't no fiddy-center... he's a $1.25 guy

by knitwitted March 7, 2010

6👍 5👎


Thank God For Acronyms

i b 2 lay-z 2 typo... TGFA

by knitwitted March 7, 2010

2👍 15👎