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hate date

To hate date is the sexual equivalent of having a "frienemy."

It's part masochistic and part lazy, but it always means that you hate yourself and the other person and are allowing the relationship to be dragged out. The purposes of hate-dating is for the sex, which can range from satisying to ok to laughably bad. You might keep the person around because they're fun and the sex is wack, or the sex game is good and the person means shit to you.

If one person is cheating or trying to degrade the other to gratify their own insecurities, and/or if the relationship has been drawn out and on the downturn, both parties are hate-dating. For highly dysfunctional and broken people, all they know is hate-dating, because it's a place to dump all your fucked up unconscious feels at once, affirming the way you feel about yourself and the opposite sex

I realized I kept boo around to hate date when all I did was talk shit.

I'm not committed- I'm committed to hate-dating.

by knobstomper February 2, 2016