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Someone who is addicted to their smartphone and belongs to the exclusive "I'm important and special" club where the person may feel they'll miss something extremely important if they don't look at the phone right this second. These people may possibly suffer from convulsions if they do not look at the phone the instant it makes a stupid sound. Generally these people always have the phone in their hand no matter where they are and will even struggle to do daily tasks because they can't put the phone down. It must be attatched to their body at all times otherwise they'll have major panic attacks.

*A group of people come into a restaurant, sit down at a table, and all of them immediately pull their phones out and start playing with them*
Me: *rolls my eyes* Typical smartphoners, can't even go two seconds without having to hurry up and get on the damn things.

by kowalewicz July 10, 2018