(Adv.) So Drunk and/or High that you are incapable of moving and continue to sit carefree.
"Go grab the Pringles"
"I'm Sitting-Bulled"
"Well fuck looks like we're going hungry"
"Chiefed bro Chiefed"
(ADV.) A deep state of drunkenness, possibly even black-out, while remaining incredibly chill regardless
Synonyms: sitting-bulled, overchilled, chiefed, zooted, parefree
1. -"Bro, Chris is mad hrenched"
2. -"I know dude, chill ratio on infinity"
1. -"Those bitches wanna dance with you"
2. -"Whatever man I'm hrenched"
(N.) "Pussy" and "Care-Free" combined. Temporarily not caring about bitches and instead concentrating on chilling with your bros.
"You gonna meet up with Sarah?"
"Nah dude, parefree tonight"
"Good Man"