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the non-lyrical musical accompaniment to any rap/hip hop song.

Max drops beats like nobodies business

by krevin May 25, 2007

41πŸ‘ 32πŸ‘Ž

isolation chamber

a 7ft by 7 ft by 7ft box made of thick, soundproof steel with no light or sound filled a couple inches high with dense salt water. the user lies down, floating on the water. with the senses cut off, the user has no way to know whats going on, and the body enters a state of panic. shortly after, the user will have an out of body experience.

if your gonna use an isolation chamber, have a babysitter. set a timer and have the baby sitter take you out when the timer goes off

by krevin June 23, 2007

9πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


abreviation for captain

cpt crunk saved the day!

by krevin June 18, 2007

34πŸ‘ 68πŸ‘Ž


similar to a roadjob, but the driver is giving the dome.

sure, the roadjob+ is dangerous, but its totally worth it man!

by krevin June 9, 2007

8πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


a teary-eyed or crying emoticon

pootytang12: and she wouldn't even let me violently penetrate her colon :'(

by krevin June 10, 2007

117πŸ‘ 29πŸ‘Ž

pot head

a word used by people who don't smoke weed to describe people who do smoke weed. also, people who want to fit in with stoners and have only smoked weed once will call themselves potheads in hopes that people will think they smoke a lot, even though a true "pot head" would never call themselves a "pot head"

i do not call myself a pot head because i actually smoke weed. also, pot heads and crack heads are very different, but people who use the word "pot head" tend to not realize that, and end up calling anybody who smokes anything a crack head.

by krevin April 22, 2007

311πŸ‘ 184πŸ‘Ž


1.) a musical genre, the in-between of punk and metal. Hardcore is NOT the music of the pig squealing myspace whores with scene haircuts, though many believe it to be so. Hardcore music typically consists of simple power chords repeated in variations, simple yet loud drums, and a vocalist yelling, not screaming, about either how straight-edge he is, or how straight-edge he isnt. hardcore is NOT abreviated "hxc" and is not spelt hardxcore. Hardcore fans typically wear camo shorts or tight black pants, black shirts of their favorite bands or funny things (like the "spread the joy" shirt from locoroco, not a "how to win at videogames" shirt you bought at hot topic while you were buying your sister new make-up to replace all the eyeliner you stole from her), and occasionally a bandanna around their head, not their neck, and PUMA, NIKE, ADDIDAS, or VANS shoes. Hardcore fans do not wear suits or ties, do not cross-dress, and do not think its cool to kiss guys, even if they're anti-homophobic.

2.) an adjective to describe something done that most people do not have the balls to do.

1.) "Mickeys crew is a hardcore band"

2.) peeing on your friend's sister because she stole your money, windmill kicking your refridgerator open so hard that the container of milk flies out of the door-shelf and into your hand, then ripping the lid off with your teeth and downing all 2 gallons in a single sitting just so that your little brother won't have any milk for his cereal when he wakes up.

by krevin April 24, 2007

31πŸ‘ 32πŸ‘Ž