What schecklemensch expect when their irresponsible and greedy management decisions come back to bite them in the pocketbook.
The schecklemensch told Algelides that they just missed the basic concept that the housing market would not continue to rise so they needed a bailout to keep their bonuses in tact.
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A black hole where, with the assistance of the Treasury Secretary, Congress and Presidents, sachs and sachs of taxpayer money has been sucked up by schecklemensch.
Do you know why our taxes are going to be raised? YEP
Do you know who is pulling the strings in DC? YEP
Are you going to tell us how this happened? NOPE
Do you know where I should look for a schecklemensch? YEP
They hang around Goldman Sachs.
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People working in financial institutions who are singlularly dedicated to the concepts of 'it is all about me' and greed.
Their avarice lead to the Global Great Recession of 2009. In the United States, many of these individuals work in places like Wall Street for investment banks.
Big financial institutions like Goldman Sachs, AIG, whose executives engaged in activities that a schecklemensch would.
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